Swimming and tug-o-war are among their favorite activities. Take your Schnoodle for a walk and give him plenty of exercise and he will love you forever. Schnoodles have been known to compete in a variety of dog sports, including dog agility and flyball.

Schnoodle puppies are full of life, intelligence and an eagerness to please, all qualities that make these puppies easy to train. And because they are a hybrid (or cross breed), your Schnoodle puppy will generally have fewer health problems than pure breeds, which is definitely a plus. Note that they may require a special diet, but this is easily manageable with advice from your veterinarian. Schnoodles generally have a lifespan of between 12 and 16 years. They require only a weekly brushing and will only need to be groomed a couple of times annually. What’s more, Schnoodle puppies are typically low maintenance. They are a typically happy breed and your new puppy will bring much joy into your family once he’s home from the breeder. Schnoodles get on well with everyone, including children, strangers, and other pets. Although Schnoodles may tend to bark in protest if you leave the house, they can easily be trained not to do this.

They are loving, playful and alert, making them a suitable companion or a fantastic family pet. This breed is fiercely loyal and very smart. Why should I buy one of your Schnoodle puppies? With Schnoodle puppies, you won’t have to pick up clumps of hair they shed little to nothing. In some cases, they even have alternating patches of soft and coarse hair! Schnauzer puppies are available in a variety of colors including black, brown, grey, white, apricot or a combination. These puppies are stunners! They may have either a rough and wiry coat like a Schnauzer or a soft, Poodle-like coat, or something in between. The most common size of Schnoodle is the Miniature, which generally weigh in at between 11 and 16 pounds. There are three recognized sizes of both the poodle and the Schnauzer, from the Toy Poodle to the Giant Schnauzer. Typically, they range in size quite substantially, depending on the type of Poodle and Schnauzer from which they were bred. If Hollywood starlets have them, you know Schnoodles must be a good dog! They are considered a “designer breed” and are very popular with Hollywood celebrities like Dakota Fanning and Claire Danes. Schnoodle puppies are a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. Schnoodles natural ability to be happy, affectionate and very playful will make it an easy choice for choosing it as your next canine companion. In some cases though, the Schnoodle's hair color can change drastically by the time the puppy reaches one or two years of age. Black and tan, or a solid color with black tips is also a desired color combination among puppies. Black, silver, and faded apricot or sable are popular choices of solid colors. The Schnoodle's hair color as puppies can vary in many ways. The Schnoodle's no shed and low dander coat is a must for allergy sufferers. The texture of the Schnoodle's coat can range from course, like it's mother, the miniature schnauzer, or smooth, like its father, the miniature poodle. The Schnoodle has a blocky body type and a square muzzle, leaving this adult dog with a muscular and confident look. The Schnoodle's beautiful looks is also a sought after quality. The Schnoodle has the ability to learn numerous tricks, and because of there high intelligence, can be potty trained almost instantly. The smarts of the Schnoodle is one of the most desired traits. Intelligent, playful, and affectionate are only a few words to describe the personality of the wonderful designer mix.